Wednesday, July 5, 2017

DIY Charm Bangles

I am so excited to share today's project with you, it may be one of the easiest and requires ALMOST no tools. We will be making a Charm Bangle Bracelet, you can customize it to your own liking. To begin please continue ahead for the tutorial.

Supplies Needed: 
  • Adjustable Bangle ( I get mine here )
  • Charms of your choice
  • Jump Rings
  • Chain Nose Pliers (or any flat pliers) 

Open a jump ring with your nose pliers and add the charms and open jump ring onto the bangle, close jump rings. continue to add the jump rings onto the charms and the bracelet. Add as much or as little as you desire. 

If you would like to make the bangle yourself, you will need: 
(This is  LITTLE more complicated especially if its your first time making jewelry) 
  • Memory wire 16 gauge wire is what I use
  • Wire Cutters
  • Round Nose Plier
  • Measuring tape ( you will only need about 11inch for a 7 inch bracelet) 
  • Same tools listed above


Bend one side of the wire side downward  about 12mm from the end, have it look like the letter L or a 90 degree angle. Use your round nose pliers to form a loop. 

Open a jump ring with your nose pliers and add the charms and close it. Do this to every charm you are planning to use. 

String the open side of the wire through the loop we created earlier. 

String the charms onto the wire. 

Bend the wire in a L or at 90 degree angle about 12mm from the end. Use the round nose pliers to form an opening loop and hook the loop onto the other side of the wire and close it tightly with the round nosed pliers. 

And there you have it your very own charm bangle bracelet. 

Sunday, July 2, 2017

DIY Seed Bead Bracelet

I have a drawer full of seed beads and have been meaning to put them to good use. I have a bad habit of every time I go to Michaels or any craft store I must always purchase a tube full. These cylindrical beads come in almost every color so you can only imagine my excitement when I come across a new color I don't have. I've came across a few Instagram posts and Pinterest post and have been inspired to create a few seed bracelets with embroidery thread instead of wire. I've created a few mini seed beads and hopefully you can too.

You'll need:

  • Seed Beads
  • Embroidery Thread (of your choice)
  • Wire Beading Needle
  • 3 Colorful Bead* (will be used as the adjusting knot)
  • Tassel (to make your own look for our future post) 
  • Scissors

Since the seed beads I use are so tiny, you'll need a wire beading needle. You can use a regular sewing needle, but the embroidery thread is a bit thicker so it may cause a bit of frustration. Any who, take the thread (color of your choice), thread it through the beading needle and prepare to start your beading. When you decide to choose a bead color try to make sure it stands out from the thread color. So if you have Pink thread you may want Mint, Gold, and White beads to give it more of a vibrant look. 

You will start with your thread tie a small knot and take your 1st big bead of choice and thread it through the bead and tie a small knot behind it. You will than take the 2nd big bead of choice and bring it through the thread. Determine where you want your bracelet to begin, once you have done that tie a small knot and begin to bead any pattern you wish for your bracelet. When your bracelet is close to  finish again tie a knot and take your needle and pass it again through the bigger bead from earlier. You have now created the "sliding knot". Go a bit further down the thread create a small knot, thread the 3rd big bead of choice and finish with a knot. 

The creations for these bracelets are endless. There are no right or wrong just to have fun. 

**When deciding which bigger bead to choose, make sure its bigger than the seed bead but the hole is still small enough to create a tight fixture when you use it as a knot. 

Creating your own accessories is always fun, but sometimes we often don't have the time or patience to do so. So head on over to our Etsy Shop for some affordable shopping.